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Walt Disney World

About the Location of Walt Disney World

Once in the United States, you should, if possible, visit Disney World - the largest entertainment complex in the world. It is located in the state of Florida and, contrary to popular belief, is located not in the city of Orlando, but 34 kilometers away.

Features of the object

Walt Disney World Vacation Center attracts tourists primarily because of the scale. Its area exceeds 100 square meters. km The Magic Kingdom is the most popular - the main attraction and the most visited object of the amusement park. It is a real 19th century boulevard, created as if by magic. Here, anyone who wishes can easily walk along paved cobblestone paths, ride in old carriages, admire antique lampposts. Cozy themed restaurants are crowded along the road, offering visitors to satisfy their hunger with appetizing dishes.
In the kingdom live all the favorite characters of films and cartoons: Snow White, Prince of fairy tales, gnomes, Mickey Mouse and others. Those who wish can make an exciting journey on the ship, fight with pirates or meet many dangers in the fabulous jungle.
In the center of the magical country is the Cinderella's Palace - a beautiful structure, picturesque and pleasing children Nearby is the Hunter's House - a gloomy building where ghosts and vampires are found.
What you should pay attention to?
The complex includes 4 wonderful theme parks, 2 large water parks, 25 hotels, a lot of eateries, cafes, shops and souvenir shops.
After the fairy kingdom, kids are usually interested in a futuristic park that introduces the culture of the future. It presents devices created by the latest developments. It is divided into two sectors.
The first, called the World of the Future, demonstrates high technologies: robots, spaceships, fancy gadgets.
The second is a real showcase of the world and introduces different countries and cultures: Canadian, Australian, Spanish and others.
Equally interesting are the Animal Kingdom parks and Hollywood studios.

How to get there

The most convenient way to go on the bus number 50. But if you wish, you can take a taxi or a rented car. The address is Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830.

Time and how much

Ticket price from 124 dollars. It is best to book them online. In the same place it is desirable to specify the schedule of the park.

World Drive, Orlando, FL 32830
(407) 939-5277

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